
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 19:25:36
无疑从判断群体与个人选择合理与否的两个角度,从社会与个人的层面来看,大学毕业后先工作后考研都更为合理,首先 ,个人成长和需要是相互适应的,现代社会市场发达高度分工,无疑需要大量的高层次的应用型人 才,现代大学正是以培养以高级技能的合格的工作者为基本前提的,这是大学毕业后优先考虑工作的客观前提。其次,大学承担为科研和生产培养人才的双重任务,促使它划分出学术型与应用型两类研究生培养模式。学术型人才的需求是少量的,培养是必须的,要保护的,可以鼓励他们先考研,应用型人才的社会需求趋势是明显的,要推动的,应当鼓励他们先工作,这是发达国家研究生教育成功经验的概括,也是我国大学教育发展的趋势,这有利于形成与社会需求相一致的人才结构,再从个人层面上来看先工作再考研,首先有利于个人未来预期的理性化,考研的选择应当结合自己的工作需要,社会地位,工作能力,先工作经验的积累、心态的磨练、能力的独立、选择的自主,为个人更高级的教育合理的奠基,其次有利于争取个人成长的更大空间,先工作,既可以获得分工时候的职位空间,又可以获得个人的经济独立和人格独立,还可以保证工作利益与教育利益的皆得,更可以保证个人受教育的职业针对性。喧嚣的社会与宁静的社会之间也许我们更情愿呆在大学里,知识的传奇,浪漫的追求,尘俗的远离,吸引着大学毕业后先考研的人们。但是时代的召唤、现实的衡量、人生的挑战,推动着我们暂别校园投身工作

No doubt from the judge groups and individual choice is reasonable or not the two perspectives, from a social and personal level, after graduating from university to work after the study section is more reasonable, first of all, personal growth and the need to adapt to each other, a modern social market developed a high degree of division of labor, no doubt need a large number of high-level application-type personnel, the modern university is to develop a high-level skills of qualified workers as a basic premise, which is post-graduate work give priority to the objective precondition. Secondly, the university is committed to research and production of the dual task of cultivating talent, it carved out to the academic type and application of two types of postgraduate training mode. Academic talent is a small amount of the demand, cultivation is necessary, to protect, to encourage them to study section, the application of personnel needs in the community trend is obvious, and to promo